Building Better Tomorrows, One Life at a Time


Bright Harbor Healthcare

News & Events

An OA Student Success Story!

By: Lynne Newman, Supervisor of Clinical Services/School Social Worker


With pride we said good bye to our student Nikolas V. as he returns to his home district.  During his 5 year tenure at Ocean Academy Nik has grown and matured into a fine young man. Just a short while ago, Nik’s placement at OA was on the verge of termination due to his behavior.  He asked for and received a second chance from Mr. Corbett.  Nik put that opportunity to good use by making positive changes in his life.    He is free to help out his peers, offering advice and guidance to those in need.  Today Nik works a part time job in addition to going to school.  As we send Nik off, we are confident that he has the tools to do well and be successful.  It was our honor and privilege to help shape this young man.  Good Luck Nik!