Building Better Tomorrows, One Life at a Time


Bright Harbor Healthcare

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Blackbeard’s Cave …. 2017 Summer Fun!

By: Charla Cole, Instructional Paraprofessional 

It was a cloudy and rainy day at Ocean Academy and we didn’t hold out much hope for our trip to Blackbeard’s Cave. Boy were we wrong! We took a chance anyway and trekked over to the park, where staff and students soon found we had the park all to ourselves to enjoy. The first stop was endless turns on the Go-karts which proved to be eventful and exciting to say the least. There were spin-outs, breakdowns, and near misses, which actually added to the fun. Some of our students braved the bumper boats and got even more soaked.. Also enjoyed was miniature golf, batting cages, archery, and rock climbing. What a great way to end the week and realize what fun could be had on a damp and gloomy day!


Did You Know: Blackbeard’s Cave Amusement Park was created in 1989 by Ned Bevelheimer. His original claim to fame was a sports facility called “Sportsland” in 1974 which was closed down to make space to build Giants Stadium in Meadowlands.