Building Better Tomorrows, One Life at a Time


Bright Harbor Healthcare

News & Events

Cooking Class Goes Italian!

Geri, WAVE staff, leading the class!


BY: Kasey Congero, MA, LAC – WAVE Coordinator


Many of our client’s expressed interest in learning how to cook and Wave staff, Geri, was happy to help! She took the initiative to teach our clients how to make “gravy”. The client’s were excited for the opportunity to make gravy with Geri as she educated them on the many ways they could use it. They could make spaghetti, ziti, lasagna, or freeze it and use it later for future meals! The clients really enjoyed learning how to cook a substantive meal and asked when the next group would be! Some members of the group even requested to teach their peers their own favorite recipes. Wave staff discussed it and agreed that cooking is a very important skill for independent living and have even decided to make this a monthly event for any clients that want to participate.