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Fun With The Fish


Ocean Academy Takes a Trip to the Aquarium

By:  Eileen Catalano, Ocean Academy

Is there any better way to spend a rainy morning than walking around the Jenkinson’s Aquarium in Point Pleasant? We did just that and were able to get up close and personal with the many sea creatures and animal life.  Did you know that Horseshoe Crabs have eyes and legs like spiders and that they shed their shell and grow another when the shell becomes too small? Or that when a Starfish loses a leg it can take up to two years to grow it back?  Our guide also told us that if we went into the Shark tank we would have nothing to fear, that the sharks would not bother us.  We decided to take her word for it as no one wanted to jump in and test that assertion! We also met Stinky a Saddleback Tamarin monkey, native to the South American rainforests.  He got his name because “he’s a real stinker”, when they go into his enclosure, he loves to make mischief! We really enjoyed our time spent at the aquarium and want to thank the staff that were kind enough to show us around.