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National Arts In Education Week

By Mr. Hayden, Art Teacher & Ms. Catalano, English/History Teacher

The Art is off to a running start in Ocean Academy this September. Each class has Arts integration lessons in motion already. In Mr. Hayden and Ms. Wardells S.T.E.A.M. class, students are designing and fabricating floating gardens. Finding sensible solutions to environmental problems is an excellent driver of creative energy and original ideas.  In Mr. Falana’s class The Juniors will be learning about parabolas, and applying the concept to a sculpture about comets traveling through our solar system. In Ms. Catalano’s history class students will be executing a large scale painting that will mimic a timeline of human history, spanning periods from the stone age until now. In Mr. Hayden and Mr. Goldberg’s screenplay class, students began work on set building, prop making and screenplay writing based on scene from the 1979 sci-fi classic ‘Aliens’. In Mr. Hayden’s senior class students will be learning concepts of commercial art, with the first lessons being in sign making and building. This first project will be built from reclaimed pallet wood. Para professional Kara Amarillo is teaching a lesson on line an pattern, with the end result going to be a large scale artwork depicting wings, Every student will provide the individual feathers. In Mr. Hayden’s General Art Class students are creating found object dioramas based on the schools newly acquired Chameleon.