Building Better Tomorrows, One Life at a Time


Bright Harbor Healthcare

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OceanMHS Helps Celebrate “100” Milestone With Alberto Medical Associates

Dr.’s Renato and Priscilla Alberto have been longstanding members of our community.  Throughout the years they have been extremely supportive in recognizing and understanding the needs of Ocean Mental Health Consumers. In the past 15 years, the Dr.s Alberto have assisted Ocean Mental Health in their vision that consumers should be provided safe, affordable, and stable housing.  Through their understanding, patience, and compassion, the Alberto’s have helped OceanMHS realize that goal by providing  housing for close to 100 consumers over the years. 

On January 5, 2016, the Dr.’s Alberto celebrated another “100” milestone that characterizes their pursuits in the community, their value related to quality of life, as Dr. R. Alberto stated, “preservation and value of life”.  The Doctor’s held a centenarian celebration!!!  A wonderful Happy Birthday celebration for all those who were 100 years or older in their practice.  It must be a record, as the Drs. Alberto have seven patients who are 100 years old or older.  One in particular, Mary, was 110 years old on January 1st!! 

The celebration included family members and also several “almost” centenarians.  The entire office was decorated, a luncheon was served, and of course a birthday cake with “100” candles topped off the feast.  A testament to the heart, consideration, and dedication to improving the lives of others, it is our good fortune at Ocean MHS to have these two Doctors as partners in our mission.