Building Better Tomorrows, One Life at a Time



Wish List

Your support will make a difference!

The donations of items off of our wish list help to meet the basic needs of the individuals and families participating in the various Bright Harbor Healthcare programs. Your donation will help ease their mental health or drug recovery journeys. Every donation makes a difference, no matter how big or how small.

You can also donate directly from Amazon by using our  Amazon Wish List.  Just choose the items from the wish list you would like to donate, purchase, and have them shipped directly to us!

Please Note!

When ordering, if you would like us to know that you have sent items from our Amazon Wish list, please check “this will be a gift” when ordering and include your name and address in the gift message.

If you have other in-kind items that are either new or gently used that you would like to donate to a particular Bright Harbor Healthcare program please contact Lisa Mulhearn ( for more information.

In addition to donations, we are always in need of drop-off locations. If you have a local business and would like to be a drop-off location for Bright Harbor Healthcare donations, let us know by contacting us at

If you want to take our wish list with you on your next shopping trip, please print it out and take it along. Our organization and the members of our community that we support appreciate every single donation.