Building Better Tomorrows, One Life at a Time


Primary Care Services

Individuals with serious mental illness often experience significant gaps in health care. These gaps result in high rates of physical health conditions, shorter life expectancies, and more. Bright Harbor Healthcare offers Primary Care Services to enhance our existing treatment programs and the outcomes they provide. This allows for integrated, accessible health care by clinicians accountable to address a large majority of personal health care needs.

Poor physical health or underlying health conditions can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health. By addressing both, we can help consumers to achieve optimum overall health. Providing primary care services alongside our extensive mental health services accelerates recovery and avoids the stigma that often surrounds mental health issues.

Services Offered:



Prevention and
Early Detection

Coordination of

Our Primary Care Services coordinates and combines all of the personal health care services a patient needs over an extended period of time. This integrated approach creates comprehensive, coordinated, and continuous health care services.

What to expect at your first appointment

Some individuals may experience anxiety before a doctor visit. Knowing what to expect can help to relieve that anxiety. Our Primary Care Services include a review of previous health conditions and medications, a full systems medical examination, an integrated treatment plan that encompasses physical, social, and mental health concerns, and care coordination to achieve health care goals.

Primary Care is offered five days a week at 160 Atlantic City Blvd., Bayville, NJ.

Hours of Operation:


8am – 12pm

How to Reach Us:

By Phone


By Fax
