By: Judy Crosta, Instructional Paraprofessional/Substitute Teacher
Last week, the senior class disassembled the Halloween scarecrows on display and recycled the straw to the compost bin. The straw along with other applicable food waste from our cafeteria will be converted into compost. The compost will be added to our garden’s soil in the spring before various herbs and vegetables are planted by the students. Special thanks to our Science teacher Mrs. Caffee who was instrumental in launching this compost project and incorporating in her lesson plans the connection between food, waste and compost. On an average, a school of 40 students such as Ocean Academy generates 15 pounds of compostable waste each week, or over 600 pounds per year. Composting require very little work yet has a huge positive impact on our environment. Let’s continue with our school wide recycling program as it is one of the greenest things we can do for our planet and future generations!